Support R Soldiers is a small but very active military support group located in Folsom and San Bruno, CA. Our goal is to provide support and encouragement for our troops in harms way. We send homemade food items, Military Daily Bread, flags, cards, letters, helmet pad kits, FoxRiver socks and gift packages throughout the year. They love the gift of the flags signed by retired soldiers, children, and adults of all ages. They rave about the FoxRiver Socks as well as the T-shirts, but most of all the Helmet Pad Kits from Operation Helmet.
We not only support R soldiers in Afghanistan but at home when wounded. We help the families so they do not have to worry as much about finances.
The commitment to defend our country, our freedom, and ensure our safety makes our soldiers the best in the world.
Our packages are sent both directly to individual soldiers and to platoon leaders of military units for distribution to their troops. We have established a relationship with the families of soldiers as well as the various platoon leaders so that we can quickly get their feedback regarding needed items.
So far this year we have sent Socks, T Shirts, toiletries, homemade cookies, Girl Scout cookies, as well as other food items.
Operation Helmet has sent over 63.000 Oregon Aero Helmet Pad Kits free of charge to R soldiers. We have contributed to 240 soldiers getting the Helmet Pad Kits. These helmet pads provide additional safety and comfort features not found in those currently provided by the government.
Although necessities are available to them at the local PX (Afghanistan) the costs are much higher than if purchased in this country. As a small group we can respond to the soldiers wants faster than a larger organization. Some of the items we supply are just not available to them at all. We feel that it is the least we can do to supply them what we can.
Some things we do to make life easier for R Soldiers and to raise funds to supply them what they need and when they need it:
Sock-it to R Soldiers
We purchase and ship FoxRiver socks directly from the factory to a platoon of soldiers.
They are All Season socks that wick away moisture and are Military approved.
Our cost including shipping to Afghanistan $13 each
Made in the USA
Note: Helmet Pad Kits and FoxRiver socks must be shipped to full platoons. If paying by check write in the "Note or For" space the item to apply funds towards.
Helmet Pad Kits for R Soldiers
The Helmet Pad Kits replace the government issued pads. They reduce head trauma and are made in the USA.
Table Dates to raise product to send to R Soldiers
Standing in front of Super Walmart Citrus Heights, CA. Here you can see some of the flags sent back to us from the Soldiers in Afghanistan and to the left is a flag being signed by patriotic people that is going to R Soldiers to show that we care.
Recycling for R Soldiers
Call us to donate recyclables 916-439-1948
Collections can be donated in the Bay Area (San Bruno) and the Sacramento Area (Folsom)
Garage Sales for R Soldiers
Held every month or two during Spring through Fall to help buy goods and pay shipping. Volunteers can help by:
Crafting for R Soldiers
Creating items for sale to help buy goods and pay for shipping. Have a creative crafting idea?
To donate or to volunteer (see volunteer page)
Checks can also be made payable to:
Support R Soldiers
Then sent to:
Support R Soldiers
c/o Joyce Ruffer, Treasurer
1227 Halidon Way
Folsom, CA 95630